Thursday, 18 July 2013

23 km road and London is in the bag!

2:15 for around 23 km, leisurely. After 4km my ankle made itself known but slowing solved this. I still don't have the courage to take things off road yet as I always imagine re-twisting it! Absolutely fantastic to be able to do a run of this length although I have noticed that my natural foot strike has reverted back to heel striking.

I have been feeling desperate to get back into the running of late and really need to sort my autumn schedule.

I don't think I mentioned it on here before but... I have qualified for London 2014 good for age! Very excited about that....

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Physio is wonderful, and so is focus

Friday 12 km and tough Physio session
Saturday 4.5 km, 1 km at marathon pace

Today, dimly aware of ankle, but this is significantly better than I would have felt in the same conditions even before my third ankle twist.

Note to self: see the physio straight away!
Generally this week has seen a surge in my running "mojo", I'm just so excited about running again. I am reconsidering the whole mountain bike idea, I think I would rather keep my main focus. In the Purpose Driven Life, Warren demonstrates the close connection between focussed living and peace. I also seek peace in my sporting practice and I know time is going to be limited next year. My good friend Wim, keen mountain biker, is going to be disappointed!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

1st sport, 2nd sport....3rd sport, 4th sport....

New blog entry for runningwithcertainty:

10 km in 50 mins on the flat (yesterday)
40 km trail biking in 1hr50 (today, some was on road).

Since I re-twisted for the third time in three months my ankle at the ultra event I decided to maintain, it has been a good opportunity to focus on getting some physio and developing a second sport of cycling. Actually, this is not strictly true: my experiences in the ultra of last December and my lesson-in-humility on 8 May have shown me that already I was moving from road-running to trail running, and that this transition is a big one, 2 sports already!

Since March I have also put on 4 kg - up from 66.5 (approx) to 70.2 kg now. My mind boggles when I think of what I must have been putting my body through in the build-up to that marathon!